Left handed submarine pitchers
Left handed submarine pitchers

Despite the emphasis placed on preventive care and the increasing sophistication of medical management injury rates at the highest level of baseball would appear to be rising (Conte, et al., 2001 Hill, 1983). The perceived importance of optimal pitching mechanics is reflected in the presence of pitching coaches at every level of baseball's organization. Whilst the game is a delicate balance of attack and defense, pitching performance is integral to success on the baseball field. Played worldwide for over a century, baseball is a game that involves periods of apparent inactivity punctuated by the highest recorded angular velocities of human movement. Some difficulties are identified with the practical implementation of analyzing throwing mechanics in the field by pitching coaches, and with some unquantified aspects of scientific analyses. In general, popular opinion of baseball coaching staff was found to be largely in concordance with the scientific investigations of biomechanists with several notable exceptions.

left handed submarine pitchers left handed submarine pitchers

After a discussion of the limitations of kinematic and kinetic analyses, the individual aspects of pitching mechanics are discussed under arbitrary headings: Foot position at stride foot contact Elbow flexion Arm rotation Arm horizontal abduction Arm abduction Lead knee position Pelvic orientation Deceleration-phase related issues Curveballs and Teaching throwing mechanics.


With the results of a series of focus groups with baseball managers and pitching coaches in mind, the available scientific literature was reviewed regarding the contribution of individual aspects of pitching and throwing mechanics to potential for injury and performance. It is a commonly held perception amongst biomechanists, sports medicine practitioners, baseball coaches and players, that an individual baseball player's style of throwing or pitching influences their performance and susceptibility to injury.

Left handed submarine pitchers